No Risk Refund Policy Next Step
As you know we only charge you after we remove or correct an inaccurate item.Sometimes the items we have removed may come back (5-10% possibility when removing a report with 20 inaccurate items)
In this case we try to dispute that item again and if unsuccessful ,we will either credit or refund the fee we have charged you for that item.
Zero Risk = Nothing To Lose & Everything To Gain does business the right way and is one of the only companies that delivers an extremely valuable service and backs it up with a no-risk refund policy. We truly value your business and we value all the future referrals you can send our way. We are the “Real Deal” and we look forward to providing you with an outstanding level of service!
This guarantee is to assure you of our service and is not meant to imply a guarantee of a specific outcome.
Note: Terms and conditions of guarantee are available upon request.